Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School


A warm welcome to Reception class.

In the Reception classroom we will encourage your child to be unique, through positive relationships and an enabling environment. In our classroom, ‘Every Child Matters’, and your child will experience these principles daily in their Learning and Development.

The children are provided with a wide, rich and creative curriculum which encourages the children to continually find out more, explore new ideas and learning styles. The children explore the EYFS curriculum through play-based learning including both teacher and child-initiated activities. Our Reception team this year includes Miss Ryan and Miss Hussain.

Our lunch time supervisors help to support the children at dinner time, encouraging independent dinner table skills and good manners. The children are then supervised outside for their recreational time after they have eaten.

Our Catholic Faith is very important to us and we strive to ensure that we live out our Mission Statement to the best of our ability each day. Later in the Autumn term, our Reception children join in with School masses held in our Parish Church or in School.

We focus on the Jesuit pupil profile values to help identify and model our founding values to the children and enable them with ways to use them within their own school day. Our faith permeates all that we do in school both through our lessons and how we behave and respond to each other in our daily lives. Our altar is the focal point of our classroom which we continually update to reflect the Liturgical calendar throughout the year. Saint Patrick is our Class Saint, we will focus on, pray to and explore the faith and life of Saint Patrick.

The Reception children will take part in a weekly PE lesson which has an emphasis on active learning and commitment to a lifelong active lifestyle. Our children and staff are supported in high quality Physical Education lessons alongside Bishop Challoner Sports college specialists.

This is in addition to the gross motor and fine motor activities planned for through our Physical Development curriculum. The children also learn invaluable self-help skills and become independent in dressing themselves for their PE lessons.

Parent involvement has a huge importance in Early Years and we look forward to inviting you in to the Reception classroom, to join us for parent workshops and events that we hope will enhance the learning experience for both you and your child. #parentsaspartners

Our Learning

Termly Learning Plans (Curriculum Overviews)

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