Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Years 5 and 6 go to Stratford Upon Avon

Years 5 and 6 go to Stratford Upon Avon

On Tuesday 16th November, the children in Year 5 and 6 had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the home of Shakespeare. The children in Year 6 were tour guides for the day explaining to visitors lots of interesting information about the life of Shakespeare. Our...
Parliament Week

Parliament Week

This week has been Parliament Week and all the children have been learning about democracy and about our parliament in London. As part of our learning the children took part in a vote for our whole school book project which will take place in the Spring term. All the...
Live Simply Displays

Live Simply Displays

We have been working hard as stewards of God’s creation and learning more about how to Live Simply. In class each year group explored different aspects of how to live simply, live sustainably and live in solidarity. EYFS – Food – pledge to eat all my...