KS1 Advent Assembly
We presented our Advent Assembly to our parents and community. We shared our learning about Advent and the stories of the Annunciation and Visitation when Mary said yes to God. We finished by celebrating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. We created a beautiful prayer...
Years 5 and 6 go to Stratford Upon Avon
On Tuesday 16th November, the children in Year 5 and 6 had the wonderful opportunity of visiting the home of Shakespeare. The children in Year 6 were tour guides for the day explaining to visitors lots of interesting information about the life of Shakespeare. Our...
Year 6 at Alton Castle
At the beginning of October, a very excited Year 6 travelled to Alton Castle to take part in a special three-day retreat. On their retreat the children took part in a variety of activities which allowed them to experience new things and to reflect on God’s wonderful...
Year 4 Inspire Workshop
It was brilliant to see such an amazing turnout for Year 4’s Inspire workshop. The parents were shown examples of the children’s brilliant work so far this term. Uniform and attendance reminders, and the importance of online safety and how to stay safe while online...
Year 1 Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi
Year 1 celebrated the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, our class saint. We all prayed and reflected on his great love and respect for animals and our environment as he is the patron Saint of Ecology. We also thought about his devotion to helping the poor and...
Year 4 Feast Day of St Terese of Lisieux
Year 4 celebrated the feast day of St Terese of Lisieux (Feast day 1 October). The children prayed, listened and showed empathy for the life that the ‘little flower’ had, and we thought about how we can all try to be examples of the generous and loving person that she...
Year 6 World War II Workshop
The children in Year 6 were thrown into a wonderful and action-packed WWII workshop, with thanks to Primary History Workshops. Throughout the day, the children tried their hand at metal-detecting, code-breaking and handling real-life artefacts; they were even able to...
Year 3’s Stone Age Workshop
Year 3 had a fantastic experience travelling back in time to the Stone Age with Primary History Workshops. We learned all about how humans evolved through this prehistoric period and how they lived and survived. We had fun role-playing hunter-gatherers and worked...